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CI:A - Certus In Audio - Help/Infos: browse help/infos topics (general and special topics)

CI:A - Certus In Audio


Page/Module: Login

Via this page the visitor of our website has the possibility to login in an already registered user account.

Registering for an user account and using our website/services as a registered user offers some advantages over using our website/services as guest. These include, among others:

- quick and easy contact / data-/information exchange to/with us
- settings of the website/services are permanently stored by user account
- always current API-serials
- a little user-"notebook"
- media-/file manager (to manage your own files: upload, edit, delete, ...)
- user web page (mini website / profile website)
- user chat (global)
- ability to register an user account on our community server
- and much more...

Further information is available in the members area.


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