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CI:A - Certus In Audio


Option (Footer): Language

This option in the footer allows you to quickly change the current language settings. The abbreviations, consisting of two letters, stand for the respective available language (e.g. 'en' for 'English'). The tooltips (moving the mouse over a language abbreviation) indicate which language it is. The currently selected language setting is shown bold with an underscore. The default language setting is automatically set by the language setting of the browser; if this is not possible, the default language setting is 'en' (English).

By clicking on a language setting (language abbreviation), the language of the website changes. This asks in advance if the user wants to jump to the respective homepage or stay on the current page. It should be noted that it is possible to open (furthermore) a page in a different language setting than the current language setting selected by the user.

Another way to change the current language setting is to use URL/Get - parameters. To do this, add the parameter 'lang' to the current page (in the browser address bar) with the desired language as the language abbreviation.

For example:



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