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CI:A - Certus In Audio - Help/Infos: browse help/infos topics (general and special topics)

CI:A - Certus In Audio


Page/Module: Help/Infos

The page / module "Help / Infos" contains all available help topics or information about the individual services and options of this website.

The overview page shows a list of categories assigned to each topic. Clicking on a category displays the corresponding available topics.

Click on a desired topic to get to the topic post. If you are on the post page, clicking on the category (above the post) will take you back to the previous overview page.

There are two ways to access the "Help / Infos" page. The first option is to select "Help / Infos" from the main menu by clicking on it (in the menu "CI:A"). Here you get, as described above, to the overview page with a list of categories that are assigned to the individual topics.

Another way to get to the "Help / Infos" page is to click on the corresponding "Help / Infos" option in the footer area. This section or option is available on all pages. The difference between these two options is that the click on the option "Help / Infos" in the footer area leads directly to the topic post assigned to the current page / module.

For example:
If you are on the page "About" and click on the option "Help / Infos" in the footer area, you will get directly to the entry for the page "About"; If, on the other hand, you selected the entry "Help / Infos" from the main menu, you would reach the overview page.


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