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CI:A - Certus In Audio - Help/Infos: browse help/infos topics (general and special topics)

CI:A - Certus In Audio


Page/Module: Retrieve Login Details

Via this page the visitor of our website has the possibility to have the login data of his user account sent to him or to have his password reset. This requires an active and valid email address.

Registering for an user account and using our website/services as a registered user offers some advantages over using our website/services as guest. These include, among others:

- quick and easy contact / data-/information exchange to/with us
- settings of the website/services are permanently stored by user account
- always current API-serials
- a little user-"notebook"
- media-/file manager (to manage your own files: upload, edit, delete, ...)
- user web page (mini website / profile website)
- user chat (global)
- ability to register an user account on our community server
- and much more...

Further information is available in the members area.


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Online: 11 users | Hits: 371.882 (Today: 126)

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