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CI:A - Certus In Audio


General Informations

This website is intended to provide products, services and other offers of CI:A to the public. We also want to use this website to provide informations and up-to-date news. A large number of the offers available here are completely free and financed by donations or advertising.

This website and its contents have been created with great care. Care was taken to ensure compliance with current standards. This website uses HTML5 and CSS3 as the basic technology for displaying the pages. JavaScript is also used on many pages on this website, although we have made sure that the use of this technology is not a prerequisite for the correct presentation or functioning of the individual pages. However, some pages/tools require JavaScript because they are either designed/developed specifically for this technology, or because they have specific dependencies on some JavaScript functions, and a non-JavaScript solution would be resource-heavy, unergonomic, or impractical.

Not only the regular review of the pages of this website with various validators (eg via W3C to comply with HTML5 and CSS3 compliance), but also the viewing, testing and comparison using different browsers under different operating systems, the optimization of server/HTTP accesses, as well as the optimization of the processing times of individual access processes, should also ensure that all current browsers can process individual pages without coping with resources - even browsers on mobile devices with only slightly available bandwidth.

This website and most services run on a specially developed server system ("Worky.U"), which we also make available to the public (see our Apps-page). This system is based on a Linux base system and uses a specially adapted/compiled interpreter to process the pages of this website. More information can be found on the Apps-page of "Worky.U".

Although we always endeavor to develop our services and content with the highest quality standards, it may happen that some things may not work the way they should. Should something not work, a mistake occur or just be weird, we gladly and thankingly receive information about it via our contact form.


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