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CI:A - Certus In Audio


Page/Module: Logos

The page / module "Logos" contains all graphics created by us, which are used as logos by us. It also displays older variants of the graphics, even if we no longer use them. Icons and other types of graphics are also displayed here.

Clicking on an entry opens the desired graphic in a new window / tab. For example, the URL to the graphic can be taken from the address bar.

The use of these graphics is expressly authorized by us, in the sense of, for example, creating a so-called backlink to our site.

This could then look like this:

<a href="https://certus.in/" target="_blank" title="CI:A - Certus In Audio"><img src="https://certus.in/logo" alt="CI:A - Certus In Audio" title="CI:A - Certus In Audio" style="border:0px;"></a>


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